
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2012

Mind Blowing Parallax Scrolling Sites

Mind Blowing Parallax Scrolling Sites : Alucinantes ejemplos de tecnología Paralax en Websites. Iremos comentando en próximos posts Nike Better World Nike Better World  is probably one of the early sites who started this parallax scrolling trend. Still looking good. Smart USA As you scroll down the  Smart USA  site, the elements zoom to you. What is really impressive is they managed to maintain the similar look and feel in their  mobile version . Most parallax scrolling designs don't play well on mobile devices. Having a separate version is a smart idea. Ben The Body Guard Although the perspective seems very wrong (it doesn't feel like a bird's-eye view) on Ben The Body Guard , but having a character and trian runs across the scene is pretty cool. Laurentius I don't understand Dutch, but browsing on  Laurentius  site was very enjoyable. You can scroll through the slideshow with mouse scroll wheel, scrollbar, navigation buttons, or arrow keys. I particularly...